Everyone always talks about red flags, but here are 20 potential green flags in a relationship. Your partner is a keeper if he/she;
- Listens to you when you talk.
- Supports you when you have issues.
- Makes efforts to get to know you.
- Pays attention to the things you like and refrains from doing something you do not like.
- Apologies when you are wrong.
- Supports you in achieving your goals.
- Inspires you to want more for yourself.
- Is calm and rational during arguments.
- Is a good friend to others.
- Does not compare you with others.
- Sets healthy boundaries and keeps them.
- Has integrity and would not compromise on it.
- Makes compromises where necessary in decision-making.
- Respects people, especially those that work for him/her.
- Apologises where necessary.
- Never puts you down deliberately, especially in public.
- Allows for individuality and does not try to change you.
- Sets realistic expectations for your relationship.
- Seeks your opinion on issues and regards it as necessary.
- Has similar values to you.
These are some of the thing healthy signs you can look out for in a relationship. If you enjoyed reading this article, share it with your friends and family as they may need it too.