Category: Parenting

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The Secret Weapon of Successful Parents: A United Front

Picture this: one parent says “yes” to an extra hour of video games, the other says &#822

Raising Aware and Safe Children While Navigating a Violent World

The headlines scream at us daily: kidnappings, ritual killings, online predators, and even abuse with

From Board Games to Video Games: How Games Teach Kids to Think Critically

“I got him!” Ten-year-old Leo pumped his fist in the air, a triumphant grin spreading acr

Teaching Children About Emotions: Helping Them Navigate the Inner World

Imagine a world where children could effortlessly understand their own feelings, navigate social situ

Beyond the Surface: The Lasting Impact of Parental Separation

Parental separation is a common occurrence in today’s society, affecting millions of families w

Building Young Minds: How Games Can Enhance Focus, Memory & Problem-Solving

If you are among the parents who always stop your children from playing games then I belive that is b

Co-Parenting Plan: The Essential Guide for Separated Parents

Going through a separation is a difficult time, but creating a co-parenting plan can be a powerful st

Building a Spiritual Foundation: How to Raise Children Who Love God

In our fast-paced world, it can be easy to let important things fall by the wayside. But one of the m

The Comparison Trap: Why We Need to Stop Making Kids Feel Like Failures

Have you ever overheard a parent at a soccer game say, “Why can’t you be more aggressive

The Juggling Act of Setting and Following Limits: A Guide for Parents

The complexities of parenthood are undeniable. From managing sugar intake to establishing consistent