“Help, I’m Going on a Date and I’m Clueless!” – 8 Tips For a First Date

So, you just met someone and you have decided to get to know each other; you are a little worried and don’t know what to do, or maybe you’re just unsure of your decision. Here are some tips to help with this first date.
Decide on a date spot that works
Deciding where is best to have your first date is an essential factor in having a great date.
On your first date, your focus is to get to know each other and connect; cool spots that afford you both to have conversations are the best option.
In choosing a spot you can also find out where your date relaxes or finds exciting the most; they most likely would relax more in those places.
You don’t want to go to some formal restaurant or a crowded park and have to deal with the chaos on your first date. You need a place that can make you both lighthearted and relaxed.
Wear Confidence and Comfort
One of the things that get people worked up when it comes to their first date is what to wear. Is this you? Relax. The best choice for your first date is to wear something that makes you feel comfortable and confident.
While you should put in the effort to look great on your first date, you should also try as much as possible to prioritize comfort especially if you think that your date may extend to other locations.
If your first stop is a coffee shop and the conversation progresses well and you decide to go to the movies, you don’t want to be stuck in something that’ll make you regret your choice.
Planning your location may also help you decide the best outfit that fits you.
Be Yourself
This is probably cliche but an important outfit to put on your first date is self-confidence. Don’t forget that the purpose of your first date is to get to know each other.
I know sometimes one can get self-conscious, and try to give the best impression, however, you must learn to put it under control and allow your date to discover the real you. Answer questions honestly and be comfortable in your skin
Sometimes, you get tempted and try to measure up to some standards; this would only get messy in the end.
Be open-minded and let your authenticity flow through as you discover more about your date and let them find out more about you.
Have Questions in Mind
Conversing with your date is great for keeping your date alive but without preparation, it can become chaotic.
If you have started conversations with your date online before you meet physically, you would have some general knowledge of the person and what you want to know more about.
Preparing questions for your date may help you organize your thoughts and conversations.
You don’t exactly have to write them down but keep them in mind. These are examples of questions you can ask:
- What gets you excited?
- What’s your favorite book or movie?
- What’s your favorite memory of growing up?
- What do you spend a lot of your time doing?
- What is most grateful for about life?
- Who is your go-to person for advice at the moment?
- What activities do you avoid at all costs and which ones do you readily engage in?
These questions can help guide your conversation and even inspire more things to find out and talk about.
Be a good Listener
One thing you want to watch on your first date is that you balance your date by being a good listener while being an active participant.
You don’t want to go on and on and on about yourself as this disregards the purpose of the date in the first place.
Be prepared to listen to your date, asking them questions and paying attention to them as well.
Reading the room and knowing what questions are appropriate for the moment is key. Your date wants to know you are interested in them as much as they are in you and this is only possible when you listen.
Be Generous With Thoughtful Compliments
Everyone appreciates thoughtful compliments and your date is no exception.
Giving your date honest compliments could show how attentive and appreciative you are.
It doesn’t have to be every minute lest it gets awkward but you can comment on how great their smile is, how good their taste in music is, or how great they look.
Be Flexible
Most people plan their dates but a great way to enjoy your date is to be flexible.
For instance, you may have agreed to go to the movies and then decide to go get some ice cream.
As long as It’s something within budget and timing, you can both make it work, after all the goal is to have fun while discovering each other.
Being flexible also means that you are open to more personal conversations; you want to be sure that your date is someone whose ideologies work for you.
You should not shy away from some conversations or try to cover them up with some other question.
It’s not necessary to share personal details but share enough to give your date an insight into your understanding of that particular subject.
Follow up after your date
After your date, an important thing to do is to follow up on your date. If you had a great time, you can text your date to let them know.
If you with agreed on having a second date, you can drop your thoughts on when you think that should be and when.
Don’t push the response and stay patient so that you don’t look too desperate but be mature enough to keep communication on a progressive level after your first date especially if you think there’s something there.
If you also think that you would not want to have another date, It’s better to let your date know respectfully and calmly, so that you don’t keep their hopes up.
So these are 8 great tips for an excellent first date. You are sure things can go very well when you put these tips to work!