Thirty is a significant age; and not so much because anything spectacular happens but I guess because we consider it so.
There is usually a feeling or unseen shift we experience when we cross significant ages; both internally and from society.
Trust me, this shift will come with asking yourself some pertinent questions. The answers to these questions will likely determine how you celebrate clocking 30.
So, if you want to usher in your 30s without regrets or fear, follow me on this list of 30 things to do before you turn 30.
Empowering Things to Do Before You Turn 30
What are those empowering things you can do that will make you look forward to your 30s with excitement and not fear? Follow on as we discuss some of them.
Develop a Reading Culture
Stop putting off catching up on your reading list; we always talk about reading books but don’t.
It is time to start; start today.
And if you don’t have a reading list, create one. Explore different genres; don’t just stick to one, so you can have a vaster knowledge.
Time spent reading is always educating and thrilling. Plus, not to mention, readers are leaders.
Forgive Yourself
It is easy to dwell on past mistakes we’ve made and allow that to chart the course of our life.
As deserving as we think that is, it doesn’t serve any purpose. You made a mistake ‘because you are imperfect.
Apologise if you hurt anyone in the process, forgive yourself, learn the lessons, and move on to make better life choices.
Forgive Others:
In the same vein, holding on to past hurts and grudges from others will only hurt you more and hold you down.
Let go of any lingering hurt, anger, resentment. Address them personally or take them up with the parties concerned.
But whatever the case, make sure to let it go. Holding on won’t hurt the person (or people that hurt you; it will only hurt you.
Learn a New Language
Learning a new language is a great way to grow.
This is because as you are learning the language, you learn a little of the people’s culture.
This will broaden your knowledge and make you grow.
Don’t focus on Your Age
30 is a number that gets many people panicking, especially if they feel they are yet to achieve what they set to achieve.
If you are like this, relax, age is just a number.
Instead of focusing on societal expectations of things to have achieved before turning 30; focus on the quality of your life so far and the exciting opportunities that lie before you.
And keep doing well what your hands have found to do; it is only a matter of time before you see it yielding the desired results.
Break out of Your Comfort Zone
Do you have anything you are passionate about or desire to do but are so afraid you will fail?
Well, it is time to do it afraid. It is better to do it and fail than to live with regrets years down the line.
Dare to go back to school, learn a skill, apply for that dream job, have a love life, stand up for yourself and so on. You’ll definitely come out stronger and more confident in and of yourself.
Experience Culture Shock:
Many people limit their vacations to beaches and 5-stars hotels.
While this is also fun, it can hardly qualify for a life-changing or eye-opening experience.
The real adventure is to mix with the locals, try new dishes, explore quaint shops and so on.
Engage in Self-reflection:
Someone once said, “to reflect on your behaviour: action, speech and conduct during the day is to prepare yourself to do better the next day”.
Self-reflection is not meant to make you feel bad or guilty about your actions but it will enable you to develop and be the best version of yourself.
Break a Bad Habit
Truth be told, we all have that bad habit that we indulge in constantly; it might not present any real harm or danger to us now but it will in the long run.
So, we need to let it go and there is no time better than now to break that bad habit.
Adopt a New Hobby
Don’t be too comfortable with the things that give you pleasure for now; they may fast become a boring routine.
Explore, discover and take up a new hobby.
Financial Things to Do Before You Turn 30
One of the things that can make you dread clocking 30 is if your finances are not in order. Now, life throws us curveballs without asking our permission and we might indeed not be earning what we desire to.
However, you can still work with your present income to put your finances in order.
How? Read on.
Cultivate a Saving Habit:
A lot of people erroneously think you can only save when you are making so much. But saving out of the little you have – even if it’s a dollar – is better than not saving at all.
Saving some money from your earnings will definitely help you build a strong and solid future. And for the present, it will make you feel secure.
Invest in Your Medical Care
Nobody plans to be sick; that doesn’t stop it from happening though.
However, if you have a way to pay your medical bills, it will greatly relieve your burden while you are getting treated.
The worst that could happen is being sick and worrying about finances as well.
Review your health care plan if you have an existing one and if you don’t, look into getting your health insured before you turn 30.
Work within a Budget
Setting and working within a budget is a skill that we all need to adopt sooner or later.
It not only help prioritise your financial plans/needs and/or check spending excesses but it also gives room for savings and investments.
Start Investing
Having an emergency stash is good but only savings cannot create wealth. Investment, however, can and is a good way to have or earn a passive income.
Sure, the terrain of investing is rough and shaky but if you get a good financial advisor and portfolio manager, you’ll be able to take off on the right foot.
Buy Landed Properties
Houses and lands will almost always appreciate; that’s why a landed property is a good investment.
If you can afford one or work towards one, you should consider it.
Be Contented
There’s so much flaunting happening on social media that if you are not careful, you will get caught up in it.
Remember to spend within your means while putting in your best in your work/business in hopes for tomorrow.
Don’t break the bank to buy the latest designer shoes or car to impress a bunch of strangers who don’t know you. Be contented and appreciative of what you do have now.
Trust me, your future self will thank you for your financial prudence and contentment now.
Buy Insurance
Like I said earlier, insuring your properties, health and life is a good financial step to take.
It helps to protect against and prepare you for the things we can’t control in life, e.g. fire outbreak, car accidents, etc. It may seem an extra expense but it will pay off in the long run.
Start a Side Hustle
Having multiple streams of income has always been the secret to financial freedom. Moreso, making money from what you love is always fun and rewarding, so look into making money by the side.
This might require learning a new skill or fine-tuning an existing one, going to seminars or workshops, buying equipment or gadget, setting up a workplace or shop. But by the time you get your business rolling in and booming, it will definitely be worth all the sacrifice.
Avoid Impulsive Spending
Spending is easier than making it, most definitely.
And sometimes, we forget that when we want to spend impulsively. But remember that self-control is necessary for an adult.
Therefore, learn the skill of controlling and mastering your spending habit before you hit 30.
Set Long-Term Financial Goals
Planning for the future is hard but absolutely necessary. Wherever you envision yourself in five to ten years, starts planning now.
Fun Things to Do Before You Turn 30
This article will not be complete without this; I mean, we cannot afford to be serious all the time. We can only achieve a rounded life if we allow fun in our lives.
So, that being said, let’s discuss some fun things to do before you turn 30.
There is so much to gain from travelling; it is fun and it is educative.
Seeing different places, meeting new people, learning about the world outside your little space, eating different cuisine; that’s part of what life is about.
And if you can afford it; you should definitely try it.
This is one of the fun activities you absolutely have to engage in whether you have the voice of an angel or are tone-deaf.
Get up on that stage and sing your heart out but ensure you have some friends with you to cheer you on and make it really fun.
Explore a New City
Taking a trip to another city/town is so much fun.
Change your scene and explore the attractions that a new city has to offer, it may be challenging but will also be fun.
Go Kayaking
Do you love the serenity of water or fascinated with the aqua world? You should go kayaking; you are sure to enjoy it.
Learn a New Sport
You probably have stuck to your favourite sport all these years; try introducing your body to something new.
It might not be easy but you’ll soon get the hang of it and have so much fun.
Make New Friends
It is as good a time as any to update your friends’ list.
Don’t stop meeting new people, it is a lot of fun when you meet someone with whom you share a lot in common, so, don’t be afraid to put yourself out there.
Try New Dishes
Everyone has a culinary comfort zone but don’t you want to try another – or ten other – cuisines, preferably from other countries outside yours?
You might be pleasantly surprised by the dishes that sit well with your palette – or not – but it is fun either way.
Try out DIY Crafts
When last have you taken out time to decorate your space or make homemade bookshelves or figurines?
Hit YouTube and explore the world of DIY, then get down to work!
Go Skydiving or Bungee Jumping
While it is a quite popular item on many people’s to-do list, only a few actually get around to doing it.
Take that literal leap of faith before ‘30’ comes around, it is exhilarating and exciting.
Start Journaling
Journaling is a great way to document everything you wish to remember forever.
It can also help you clear your head while getting all your thoughts out; it’s a form of therapy.
Writing out all that life dishes you; good, bad and everything in between can be exciting and rewarding, even several years down the lane.
To wrap up, let me know what you think; did you find my list of 30 things to do before you turn 30 valuable? If yes, please share with others.
Credit: http://olubunmimabel.com/